Patrick Genard
Ron Calvo
Bruno Conigliano
Urban design
Interior design &
Architecture is an art, the art of creating space, of creating void from the full. Where the process is as important as the result.
Architecture must be contextual, but in the broadest sense: geographical – from the micro place to the cosmos-historical, cultural…
A project must leave an “enriched” place after its construction.
The architect molds matter as an extension of nature through geometry as a link between tangible reality and the world of ideas.
Architecture has to be aesthetically desirable, constructively reasonable, and socially justifiable.
Architecture has to function, respond to needs within economic and social parameters, use all possible techniques, but never as an end in itself, but as a means to achieve higher goals.
Architecture is neither an increasingly complicated technical feat nor a mental and theoretical discourse, nor a spectacle by definition antinomically opposed to its perenniality.
Our job is to build outdoor spaces so that people can get in touch with their indoor space.
Architecture is a sensitive experience of space that makes us connect with the cognitive, with the spiritual, with the conscience of each one.
Because architecture begins when construction ends. There is architecture when magic operates, when matter ceases to be matter, when it is transcended, when it is withdrawn, it becomes blurred, it becomes poetry.
What is complicated is art, the passage from matter to poetry. And that which is so great and beautiful translates into something as simple as a construction that, by an act of alchemy, ceases to be so to transform into something much more profound and essential that invites silence and humility.
Our Team
- Patrick Genard (Namur, Bélgica – 1954) Architect and Civil Engineer (U.C.L., Louvain la Neuve, Bélgica, 1978)
- Ron Calvo (Bronx, New York, USA 1965) – Architect (UCLA Master Arquitecture, 1999)
- Bruno Conigliano (Mulhouse, Francia – 1974) – Interior Architect (École Boulle, París, France, 1997)
- Diego Rey (Buenos Aires, Argentina 1968) – Architect (Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1994)
- Silvina Juliana Cragnolino (Buenos Aires, Argentina 1980) – Architect (Universidad de Buenos Aires 2006)
- Ingrid Macau (Llançà, Girona – 1977) – Interior Designer (Escola Disseny BAU, Barcelona, 2006)
- Riccardo Veronesi Brunner (Verona , Italia – 1990) – Architect (Politécnico di Milano, 2015)
- Salvador Bou (Terrassa, España – 1972) – Architect (Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura del Vallés, Barcelona, 2004)
- Miriam Coronel (Huelva, España-1992) – Building Engineering (Universidad de Sevilla,2015 – Studing Architecture Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura del Vallés)
- Christophe Siredey (Asnières, Francia 1975) – Interior Architect (École Boulle, París, Francia, 1998).
- Nathalie Meric (Marseille, Francia 1978) – Architect DPLG (École d’architecture de Paris la Villette, Paris, France, 2007)
- Sigfrid Pascual (Barcelona, España 1961) – Architect (Escola Técnica Superior de Arquitectura del Vallès, Barcelona, 1995)
- Santiago Marelli Létiz (La Plata, Argentina 1996) – Architect (Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Argentina, 2022)
- Jose Segura (Lyon, Francia 1972) – Financial Administrator (C.E.F, Barcelona, 2002)
- Yaima Cuervo (La Habana, Cuba 1979) – Tourism Technician (Cuba, 1998)
Associated Firms
André Vanderstukken & Partners – 64, Chaussée de Mont-Saint-Jean – 1420 Braine L’Alleud (Brussels) Bélgica
Guillaume de Laforce – 13 rue Eugène Sue – 75018 Paris, France
Associated Consultants
Bimetrical – Bim Consulting – Avinguda Meridiana, 350, 8C – 08027, Barcelona – Tel (34) 933 11 69 26
Xavier Ferres Arquitectos y consultores – Asesoría fachadas – Pje. Marimón 6 –2º2º 08021 Barcelona Tel 932417711
BIS Structures – Structural and Mechanical Engineers – Edifici Palau de Mar, Pl. de Pau Vila, 1, 08039 Barcelona – Tel (34) 934 15 76 55
Bet Yves Serra – Structure Engineers – 88, Av. Albert Schweitzer – 66000 Perpignan, France – Tel (33) (4) 68 61 28 67
PGI Group – Structural and Mechanical Engineers –17, Place Charles Nicole, App. 2 Etg. 7, Maarif, Casablanca, Maroc – Tel (34) 649 431 455
AIA – Installations architectoniques – Séneca 11 bj – 08006 Barcelona – Tel (34) 93 206 61 27
Tram J. Hierro I Associats S.L.– Engineering & Management – Urgell, 168 s/atic 1º – 08036 Barcelona – Tel (34) 93 453 86 89
TFM – Solar Design Engineers – Gaià, 5 Pol. Ind. Plà d’en Coll – 08110 Montcada i Reixac (Barcelona) – Tel (34) 93 575.36.66
Aguasol Enginyeria – Sustainable Design Engineers – Roger de Lluria, 29, 3º, 2ª – 08009 Barcelona – Tel (34) 93 342 47 55
Anoche Iluminación Arquitectónica SL – Lighting Engineers – Carrer de Regàs, 3, 08006 Barcelona – Tel (34) 932 41 79 30
Bellapart, S.A. – Fachadas – Av. Veneçuela, 8 – 17800 Olot – Tel (34) 972 22 51 79
Luis Vallejo Estudio de Paisajismo – Landscape Architect – Paseo de los Serbales 4, Urb. Ciudalcampo, San Sebastián de los Reyes, 28707 Madrid, Spain – Tel (34) 91 657 09 54
Manel Colominas – Landscape Architect – Tel (34) 93 209 03 64